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Incendiu la Spitalul Municipal Călărași. Autoritățile au declanșat Planul Roșu de intervenție

Un incendiu a izbucnit, astăzi, într-o cameră administrativă situată în subsolul Spitalului Municipal Călărași. Incidentul a fost raportat la primele ore ale dimineții, iar autoritățile au reacționat prompt pentru a gestiona situația.

The main conceptual idea from the text is that a fire broke out in an administrative room in the basement of Spitalul Municipal Călărași. Here are the key points supporting this: * Location: The fire occurred in an administrative room in the basement of the hospital. * Severity and Response: The fire was serious enough to trigger the "Planul Roșu de intervenție" (Red Plan), which aims to manage the situation efficiently. * Impact: Despite the severity, the fire was localized and did not require patient evacuation. The text emphasizes the coordinated response of authorities and hospital staff to contain the fire and minimize its impact.

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